To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence. —Mark Twain, author, humorist. Pete Kight has a success story that is simply amazing. The company he founded, CheckFree, was acquired in 2007 by Fiserve for approximately $4.4 billion in cash. In many ways, his story sounds like other millionaire success stories that include […]
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Eventually, the nerds and the geeks will have their day. —Judd Apatow, film producer, comedy writer Chances are that when you think of the most successful and wealthy entrepreneurs, you don’t think of a group of weird people. Instead, you probably think of well-respected and brilliant people who exhibit all the admirable qualities of well-rounded, […]
View Post Cass Business School, Cisco, dyslexia, Geeks, John Chambers, Judd Apatow, Julie Login, Kinkos, Mark Zuckerberg, Nerds, Paul Orfalea, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, The Economist, Virgin GroupMake Your Dreams Come True
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Kevin D. Johnson
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All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. —Walt Disney, founder, the Walt Disney Company. As he approached the middle of the basketball court, Michael Jordan had tears in his eyes. It was halftime during his final NBA All-Star Game in 2003, a highly emotional moment for sports fans […]
View Post Ashton Kutcher, Atlanta, Atlanta Hawks, Basketball, Harrisburg, Isaiah Thomas, Kobe Bryant, Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Morehouse College, NASA, NBA, NBA All-Star Game, Nelly, Nick Cannon, Pennsylvania, Shaquille O’Neil, spider dribble