To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence. —Mark Twain, author, humorist. Pete Kight has a success story that is simply amazing. The company he founded, CheckFree, was acquired in 2007 by Fiserve for approximately $4.4 billion in cash. In many ways, his story sounds like other millionaire success stories that include […]
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How Your Family History Can Propel You to Entrepreneurial Success
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Kevin D. Johnson
Courage, Harvard University, Inspiration, Kauffman Foundation, Motivation, Oprah Winfrey

Inspiration comes from all different places. —Jeffrey Katzenberg, CEO, DreamWorks Animation. Oprah Winfrey is known for making guests on her show cry. However, this time, she was the one who would shed tears, overcome by the significance and serendipity of the moment. In 2007 I stumbled upon a television special titled Oprah’s Roots: An African […]
View Post Academy Award, Atlanta, Baltimore, Berklee College of Music, Boston, Charlotte Phelan, Courage, Family, Georgia, Henry Louis Gates Jr., Herbie Hancock, Los Angeles, Maryland, Massachusetts, Oprah Winfrey, The Help, United States, Wynton Marsalis